My name is Melanie and I specialize in children and newborn funeral photography, but I am always honored to photograph these last precious moments for anyone who asks.
Most people wonder why I choose to specialize in funeral photography. I do it because I have a special connection to loss. I've stopped counting of the loved ones I've said goodbye to over the years, and I'm well acquainted with grief.
I have seen too many funerals go on without a professional photographer. In my experience, these photos are healing and therapeutic for those grieving. The pain of loss never really ends, it stays with you, and I've had my clients contact me years later to express their gratitude.
In April of 2019 Focus Camera in New York wrote an article about funeral photography and I was the featured photographer. I was so grateful for this opportunity because it helped me to express why I'm passionate about funeral pictures. To my knowledge, I'm the only photographer in Utah to specialize in it. You are welcome to read the article in the button below....
"I can't say enough good about Melanie Parker photography. A few years ago my first born little boy died when he was 19 months old. Melanie offered to take pictures of our little boys funeral. I am so grateful she did. Not only were the photos beautiful and well done but I treasure them because Melanie was able to capture our last memory with our little boy, saying goodbye, and being reminded of all the love and concern we were enveloped in from family and friends. We now have two more beautiful children that are two years and three months old. I am once again so glad we had Melanie capture our little boys funeral because now when our other children are older they will be able to see the scrap books I have put together of their brothers life from the beginning to the end."
-Nita Eaton (mother) "Melanie Parker is a sensitive and compassionate photographer that helped to capture feelings, tender moments, and precious scenes that I treasure. My tiny son slipped away from us shortly after birth. My husband was unavoidably in another country at the time of our son's birth and was unable to attend our baby's funeral. The moments that were captured by Melanie during our son's funeral are priceless. They helped to unify my husband and myself in our grief as well as to document the reality of my son's existence. He was a tiny person and he really was here. I will be forever grateful for Melanie and the services she provided for me and my family."
-Ruth Bitter (mother) |
"What amazed me.... was how she managed to capture quick, fleeting moments as if they had been posed or staged--the quick wiping of a tear, a gentle nod towards the casket, fleeting hugs . . . she had such a sharp eye that she managed to make those quick shots all look as if we had been in place for a long time posing, when in reality we had no idea what was going on. I noticed someone with a camera at the funeral, but was too overcome with grief to realize she was getting us all on film. When she sent us the results, I had such a good, cleansing cry that I felt like I got to say goodbye to Tommy all over again, which was just what I needed."
- J. Tonks (Baby Tommy's Aunt) "This talented photographer captured and preserved many tender and powerful family moments from the funeral of my baby nephew. The photographs she took for us that day remain among our most sacred and poignant family images... For years, we had gone to professionals to capture our smiling, posed family moments, but until Tommy's funeral, I never knew what a blessing it would be to have somebody apply their artistic skills to the preservation of our farewell to a loved one. I heartily recommend Melanie Parker Photography to all of my friends and family for this service!"
-Aunt Jenny (Baby Tommy's Aunt) |